Provided by Arts4All Florida
DisArt had the privilege to participate in the Arts4All Florida “Expanding Opportunities in Theaters and the Performing Arts” program that occurred in March and April 2020.
Check out this incredibly detailed Toolkit that was an outcome of this work. Please note that DisArt prefers identity first language.
Archived webinars from the associated program.
March 22
Access for All – This session will include basic accessibility information for theaters as well as front of house training.
March 25
Tech Gurus – This session will be a panel discussion with experts in stage management, filming/photography costume design, and generally working back stage.
March 30
A Star is Born (Part 1) – This session will be a panel discussion with currently working actors with disabilities.
April 6
Writers, Directors, Producers, Companies, and More! – This session will be a panel discussion with a variety of experts in the theatrical arts, including writers, directors, producers, theatre companies, performers, and more.
April 13
A Star is Born (Part 2) – Like the session on March 30th, this will be a panel discussion with currently working actors with disabilities.